
Engin levererar kompletta lösningar med Proxmox, allt från design till hårdvara och licenser till komplett implementation, inklusive Proxmox Backup Server.

Som den enda Guldpartnern i Sverige och Norden har vi stor erfarenhet från flertalet kluster i olika storlekar och kör det självklart i vår egna miljö.

Oavsett om ni är ute efter en enkel miljö med endast en maskin, eller om du behöver ett kraftfullt kluster med funktioner såsom High-availability, delad lagring (Ceph) och Software-defined-Networking så är vi säkra på att vi kan bidra med värdefulla insikter och optimeringar!


Starting out
115 /Year & CPU socket
  • Access to Enterprise repo
  • Complete feature-set
  • Support via Customer Portal
  • Community support


Growing businesses
355 /Year & CPU socket
  • Access to Enterprise repo
  • Complete feature-set
  • Support via Customer Portal
  • 3 support tickets/year
  • Response time: 1 business day


Most popular
530 /Year & CPU socket
  • Access to Enterprise repo
  • Complete feature-set
  • Support via Customer Portal
  • 10 support tickets/year
  • Response time: 4 hours* within a business day
  • Remote support (via SSH)
  • Offline subscription key activation


All you'll ever need
1060 /Year & CPU socket
  • Access to Enterprise repo
  • Complete feature-set
  • Support via Customer Portal
  • Unlimited support tickets
  • Response time: 2 hours* within a business day
  • Remote support (via SSH)
  • Offline subscription key activation

Proxmox Virtual Environment

Screenshot gallery of Proxmox VE dashboardProxmox VE is a complete, open-source server management platform for enterprise virtualization. It tightly integrates the KVM hypervisor and Linux Containers (LXC), software-defined storage and networking functionality, on a single platform. With the integrated web-based user interface you can manage VMs and containers, high availability for clusters, or the integrated disaster recovery tools with ease.

The enterprise-class features and a 100% software-based focus make Proxmox VE the perfect choice to virtualize your IT infrastructure, optimize existing resources, and increase efficiencies with minimal expense. You can easily virtualize even the most demanding of Linux and Windows application workloads, and dynamically scale computing and storage as your needs grow, ensuring that your data center adjusts for future growth.

Server Virtualization

Proxmox Virtual Environment is based on Debian GNU/Linux and uses a custom Linux Kernel. The Proxmox VE source code is free, released under the GNU Affero General Public License, v3 (GNU AGPL, v3). This means that you are free to use the software, inspect the source code at any time and contribute to the project yourself.

Using open-source software guarantees full access to all functionality, as well as a high level of reliability and security. We encourage everybody to contribute to the Proxmox VE project, while Proxmox, the company behind it, ensures that the product meets consistent, enterprise-class quality criteria.

Read more about the Proxmox technology

Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM)

KVM is the industry-leading Linux virtualization technology for full virtualization. It’s a kernel module, that’s merged into the mainline Linux kernel, and it runs with near-native performance on all x86 hardware with virtualization support—either Intel VT-x or AMD-V.

With KVM you can run both Windows and Linux in virtual machines (VMs), where each VM has private, virtualized hardware: a network card, disk, graphics adapter, etc. Running several applications in VMs on a single system, enables you to save power and reduce costs, while at the same time, giving you the flexibility to build an agile and scalable software-defined data center, that meets your business demands.

Proxmox VE has included KVM support since the beginning of the project, back in 2008 (that is since version 0.9beta2).

Read more about KVM

Container-based Virtualization

Create and manage lightweight containers with LXC.

Container-based virtualization technology is a lightweight alternative to full machine virtualization, because it shares the host system’s kernel.

Linux Containers (LXC)
LXC is an operating-system-level virtualization environment for running multiple, isolated Linux systems on a single Linux control host. LXC works as a userspace interface for the Linux kernel containment features. Users can easily create and manage system or application containers with a powerful API and simple tools.

Read more about Linux Containers (LXC)

Software-Defined Storage with CephCeph logo stacked 220

Ceph is an open-source distributed object store and file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability and scalability. Proxmox Virtual Environment fully integrates Ceph, giving you the ability to run and manage Ceph storage directly from any of your cluster nodes.

Ceph provides two types of storage, RADOS Block Device (RBD) and CephFS. An RBD provides block level storage, for content such as disk images and snapshots. CephFS implements a POSIX-compliant filesystem using a Ceph storage cluster to store its data.

Benefits of Ceph with Proxmox VE

  • Easy setup and management through the GUI and CLI
  • Self-healing
  • Scalable to the exabyte level
  • Setup pools with different performance and redundancy characteristics
  • Runs on economical commodity hardware